Insectotropics - La Caputxeta Galàctica
The Insectotropics project is a version of the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood, where her simple task and walk through the forest is transformed into a new journey towards personal liberation. The performance of La Caputxeta Galàctica (Intergalactic Red Riding Hood) features three video artists (Laia Ribas, Maria Thorson, VVV), two painters (Xanu, eeeex), a musician (Tullis Rennie) and an actress (Mar Nicholas) to create a live multimedia performance. The painters produce malleable images that describe the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. At the same time an actress, in a separate space/screen, dramatizes the action - representing the inner dialogue, the spirit of Little Red Riding Hood, as she changing from a state of submission and acceptance to the achievement of a new reality. Images from an overhead camera recording in real time at the painter's table and a separate feed from the live actress are manipulated and projected on to the screen. From this image, the painters modify and transform their work. All this is accompanied by a narration that enhances specific parts of the story and an electronic music score performed live with real-time vocal samples from the actress.
Entrance: 20.-/15.-