Joanie Lemercier [AntiVJ] - Eyjafjallajokull
Artist conference - May 12th - Le Commun - 16h30
Performance in the installation - May 12th - Le Commun - 17h30
Named after the Icelandic volcano which shortened his residency at Empac (Troy, NY) in April 2010, Eyjafjallajokull not only forced Joanie Lemercier to change his plans and re-think the work originally conceived for the OneDotZero curated festival, but it also managed to push him to name his new audiovisual performance after it. Still focusing on minimal aesthetics and optical illusion he is showing here a new approach to his mapping technique. This time projecting onto flat surfaces he is interested in trying to give an illusion of depth where there is actually none. - Projecting sources of light over a scenery painted on large walls, he tries to (re)create a sense of realism (the organic feel of the mountain chains, the shadows appearing at different grounds) in this imaginary landscape (the Tron-like clinical and futuristic minimal aesthetics).
Free entrance