TVestroy [Danny Perreault + Thomas Ouellet Fredericks] (CA)
Presented on a triple screen and also from a series of television sets with cathode ray tubes, Tvestroy tests the links between visual and sound material in their potential radicality. Generated from the same source, the sound and image are not only synchronized with each other but also emerge simultaneously: the sound is the image. Hypnotic and haunting, this work - described as "electrovideoacoustic" by its two creators - immerses the audience in an environment of geometric abstractions and destructured rhythms, far away from compromises.
Danny Perreault, an artist and cultural worker, is fascinated by the fragmentation of video projection in the context of shows in digital and urban art. He explores abstract aesthetics, the correlations between planning, architecture, scenography, video, sound and light.
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks is an independent artist, a university lecturer and a consultant. He hacks software, installations, audiovisual performances and interactive objects. He lives and works in Montreal.
Entrance: 12.-/8.-
(this price includes the performances all the AV performances of the night at the Spoutnik)
Entrance : 20.-
(this price includes the DJ and VJ sets at the Zoo and the AV performances at the Spoutnik)