Workshop Tagtool Tagtool community is taking over the space of La Fonderie for four days of workshops, jam sessions, performances and celebration.
Come to find out about projection painting, get your hands dirty at one of the workshops, or simply enjoy the show. We made sure to invite an excellent line-up of musicians, so the ears won't be jealous of the eyes.
Tagtoolistas of all skill levels are welcome to bring their homebrew instruments and take part in the jam sessions. Check the schedule for more information.
For this special occasion, OMA International is proud to introduce a new multiplayer Tagtool software for iPad. The designers and developers will be there to present their take on the future of projection painting.
Dieter Puntigam and his friends will transform part of the space into a three-dimensional sculpture as a canvas for Tagtool sessions. The Cell City installation will be present during the whole workshop.
Free entrance