Conférence artistes

Sat, 12 May - 16:00 to 18:00Le Commun (Bâtiment d'art contemporain)Workshop / Lecture / Software demonstration

Artists introduction

Charlie Mars (FR)
Joanie Lemercier (AntiVJ/FR)

Handyman videomaker, sometimes director, sometimes veejay, or tv presenter, Charlie Mars is a wild self-made man, his work is an invitation to create boldly.

Joanie Lemercier, instigator of the AntiVJ visual label, has been developing since 2006 a number of tools and techniques that led him to see the world around us as a possible projection surface.

The conference will be followed by a performance in his installation Eyjafjallajokull.

16h-16h30: Charlie Mars
16h30-17h30: Joanie Lemercier
17h30: Performance

Free entrance