Outils libres pour les performances A/V et le veejaying
What is the role of free tools today in audiovisual performances and veejaying?
During this workshop a set of free/open source tools allowing real-time manipulation of moving images will be presented: Processing, Pure Data, OpenFrameworks and its derivatives, Veejay, Lives but also some "Swiss Army Knife" as ffmpeg, gstreamer, avidemux which prepare the media ...
A sharing of experience will be offered in order to better understand the opportunities and difficulties associated with the use of these free software.
Olivier Heinry works in the field of performance, dance and theater at the intersection of the moving image, sound, light and their interactions implemented with free software tools.
Benjamin Cadon is a multi-media artist who lives in Orleans and coordinates Labomedia, a cultural association turned to free digital technologies and art.
Benefits of the workshop:
This workshop will explore the versatility of free software in the field of real time video and audio, as well as the interconnectivity between software
- Bring your laptop, possibly a headset, a control surface and a webcam or DV camera
- Have some basic knowledge of digital audio and video, a curiosity about the free software movement.
Free entrance but mandatory subscription: