Tempo Moderno
www.tempomoderno.comWed, 16 May - 02:30 to 05:00Zoo / UsineDJset / Live
Tempo Moderno [Discotecario Doca + Actaruss1] (BR/CH)
Tempo moderno is a duo of DJ's who create by valuing the musical repertoire of Brazil. Composed of Discotecario Doca and Actaruss 1, the duo produced an updated distillate of brasilian rhythms and melodies (samba, bossa, batucada, maracatu). A work based on a sampling of traditional music of the 60s and 70s, inlaid with rhythms and electronic bass (breakbeat, drum'n'bass, brokenbeat). The use of analog sounds (bossa and jazz standards) and the support of beatboxes allow them to reinvent the repertoire in a contemporary and urban way.
Entrance : 15.-
(this price includes all the DJ and VJ sets at the Zoo)