Musée d’Art et d’Histoire - 21h-01h
During the Night of Museum with M.A.H
Free entrance
As part of the exhibition A la tombée de la nuit, the Museum of Art and History invites theMapping Festival to highlight pictures and the facade of the courtyard. Three performances of architectural mapping will continuously for an exceptional evening.
BORDOS.ARTWORKS & INVITED ARTISTS (HU) - mapping architectural 3D stéréoscopique
A native of Budapest, Bordos debuted as a VJ in the famous underground parties of the city. Bordos.ArtWork has become a pioneering collective of its kind in Hungary, but also internationally recognized as a leading figure of video
Apparati Effimeri works in the visual design field. They experiment the chance to create new binds between vision’s past history and visual art’s new techniques and contemporary approaches. This collective intervenes in a non invasive way, giving life to the pre-existing shapes. The purpose of the collective is to change the perception of spaces.
Sigma6 experiment in the fields of visual creation. They make music videos and custom experimental installations for customers large and small. They see the future like a playground, trying new technologies and new ways of mixing different kind of media. Sigma6 is Eric Morzier and Florian Pittet, graduated from the University of art and Design in Lausanne (ECAL).